CCSPD Services

RENEWAL – Mandatory Illinois C.C.L. Training 3 Hours

  3 Hour Course $125.00 – Own firearm -includes range fee We Pay Range Fee  State Required Renewal 3 hours $10.00 Maintenance Fee – Use of our firearm Renewal Mandatory Illinois-C.C.L. Training 2 Hours Classroom & 1 Hour Range   2 Hour Classroom All applicable State and Federal laws relating to the ownership, storage, carry,…


  WELCOME TO CONCEALED CARRY SAFETY FOR PERSONAL DEFENSE INC   THE NEXT LEVEL TRAINING!! Thanks for choosing Concealed Carry Safety for Personal Defense inc for all  your training needs. You will be trained in different aspects of personal protection.   Home Invasion – Inside the Home Protection – Outside the Home Protection – Active…

Practical Street Survival (Active counter measures)

Practical Street Survival 4 Person Minimum This NOT a martial arts course. Prepare the individual with practiced responses to sudden, rapidly unfolding, close up and personal attacks. Target the individual that desires to be able to recognize and avoid danger spots, but may as we all may, encounter assailants at unexpected and unavoidable times and…

Weapon Dis-Arming

  Weapon Dis-Arming $100.00 Alumni 4 hour course Bring a towel as you may perspire Contact us for Alumni Pricing Weapon Dis-Arming $125.00 Non-Alumni 4 hour course Bring a towel as you may perspire Contact us for Alumni Pricing This  is an active hands-on course intended to equip the lawfully armed concealed carry licensee(whether they…

Weapon Retention

  Weapon Retention $100.00 – Alumni 4 hour course Weapon Retention $125.00 Non-Alumni 4 hour course THIS IS AN ACTIVE, HANDS-ON CLASS. This is a four (4) hour course. This is an ACTIVE COUNTERMEASURES COURSE. We will discuss, demonstrate, explain and review techniques to retain control of a holstered and un-holstered handgun. This is an…

Private Classes

  Private Class $125.00 1 Hour Private Class with an instructor Personal one on one and small private group instruction at a premium rate is available for nearly all of our training specialties. Rates and requirements will vary due to  subject and class size. Train at our facility or yours to suit your needs. We…

Shotgun Orientation & Familiarization

  Shotgun Orientation & Familiarization $50.00 Alumni 2 hour course All materials are provided Shotgun Orientation & Familiarization $75.00 Non Alumni 2 hour course All materials are provided This course is intended for the individual who has not handled a shotgun before. Basic firearm safety rules are instructed and demonstrated with emphasis on the unique…

Advanced Tactical Handgun Skills

Advanced Tactical Handgun Skills $100.00 – Alumni 4 hour course Advanced Tactical Handgun Skills $125.00 Non- Alumni 4 hour course This course will instruct, demonstrate and practice advanced gun handling and marksmanship skills to enhance either our 16 Hour Illinois Concealed Carry License course or our Basic Marksmanship course. The skills learned and practiced in…

Basic Marksmanship Skills

Basic Marksmanship Skills Basic Marksmanship Skills $100.00 Alumni 4 hour course Targets included Re-Rerequisite: Basic Firearms Familiarization and Safety Class or an approved equivalent. Range fee NOT included. Basic Marksmanship Skills $125.00 Non-Alumni 4 hour course Targets included Re-Rerequisite: Basic Firearms Familiarization and Safety Class or an approved equivalent. Range fee NOT included. Range fee…

Maintenance of Firearms – Care & Cleaning

Maintenance of Firearms – Care & Cleaning $100.00 Alumni Approximately 3 to 4 hours (varies by class size and number of different firearms desiring specific instruction) Maintenance of Firearms – Care & Cleaning $125.00 Non-Alumni Approximately 3 to 4 hours (varies by class size and number of different firearms desiring specific instruction) This will be…

Basic Firearms Familiarization and Safety

Basic Firearms Familiarization and Safety $75.00 Alumni 2 hour course Basic Firearms Familiarization and Safety $100.00 Non-Alumni 2 hour course This is a familiarization course. Basic nomenclature and identification of firearm types and assemblies will be discussed and demonstrated. General firearms types and their safe handling will be discussed, demonstrated and practiced. Hands on use…

Florida & Arizona Concealed License Permits

  Florida & Arizona license packets  are included in the price with your purchase of your Illinois Concealed Carry Course with Concealed Carry Safety for Personal Defense Inc All Alumni of Concealed Carry Safety for Personal Defense Inc, may stop by to pick up their packets for either Florida or Arizona. We will provide you…

Utah Concealed Firearm Permit Training

  Utah License Permit $50.00 Alumni 4 hour course Non Alumni Utah License Permit $100.00 for Non-Alumni 6 hour course includes range fee & range time. Does not include cost of gun/ammo. This is a four (4) hour course for  CCSPD Training Alumni.This is a six (6) hour course adding firearm competency and proficiency via…

Illinois Concealed Carry License 16 Hour Certified Training

16 Hour Course $199.00 Special $179.00  State Required 16 hour course 12 Hour Course $149.00 Must provide ISP approved 4 hour prior training credit    8 Hour Course $99.00 Must provide ISP approved 8 hour prior training credit or DD214 prior service At Concealed Carry Safety for Personal Defense inc, we only provide the full…